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Today my mother called me and told me sad news. Hans Siedentop, a teacher of mine in High School died on Mai, 24th.
In fact I never had a lesson with him as teacher but he was the head of the computer pool so we knew each other quite well as I worked there regularly when I was in school and even in university when there was stuff like installing server systems and so on.
Why his dead makes me sad is that he was the first one who showed me that being a technic geek is not just a hobby but a profession.
I still remember the day when my friends and me installed new network cables and infrastructure there. Damn,I was proud of this, a teacher believed in me and let me plan and install a whole network infrastructure (ok, that's my job now but in those days I was something about 15).
Another thing I learned from working with him was to think not only about "what is possible to do with the software" but "what are the users needs?" Thank you for this lore as it's still one of my guidelines when it comes to plan technical things.
I don't know (yet) what caused his death with only 59 years but he was suffering from a bad illness so I think he lost the battle against it.

Goodbye and may you be in a better place now.

In remembrance of Hans Siedentop (1949 - 2008)

"wie es im Heft aussieht, so sieht es in Deinem Kopf aus"
"the way your notebook is written, the way your mind looks like"

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Die letzten Zeilen bestätigen meine Vermutung, dass es für Lehramtsstudenten einen Pflichtkurs "Lehrersprüche" gibt. Ich kenne den genannten Spruch als "Orchdnung im Heft gleich Orchdnung im Gehierchn!" (Lautsprache).

Ähnliches gilt für Uffze/Stuffze beim Bund. Auch da muss ein Standardwerk an Sprüchen existieren, was auswendig gelernt werden muss.