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Anna, Sex and the City

It's been a long time since my last blog entry. And to attract more attention it might be a good idea to post the most googled entry in the title. Especially when you're with four girls that like Sex and the City so you have a reason for this title;)
But I should start the story at the beginning. I had to write exams until the end of march and due to confusion about my schedule I booked a flight to Sweden when university had startet for one week already. But if you can decide between studying and visit your girlfriend, well, that's not a hard decision to make ;) Pictures of this very, very enjoyable trip you may find at my Picasa-Gallerys, the links are on the right side.

Sara came to Germany only ten days later and stayed for a prolonged weekend in Peine. No photos this time because I had to do a lot of things. And no blog entry about these two trips, sorry ;)

So, this is a blog entry about another journey. Our university has a excursion week were we can either take an excursion or just have seven days off. After two excursions in a row last year and one year before I was exausted so I planned my excursion on my own ;)
It would bring me to Frankfurt, Berlin and Nottingham and to Anna, Christian and finally Jan who had asked me if I wanted to visit him in England. Because this was my first chance to come to England I took the chance and made this trip:
  • Saturday via train from Peine to Frankfurt
  • Monday from Frankfurt-Hahn to Berlin with Ryanair
  • Wednesday from Berlin to Nottingham
  • and well, I hope, on Sunday back to Berlin. But that's still in the future while I write this entry (it depends strongly on Jan's kindness to let me print my ticket [a note from Jan]) Well, I will just ask Aki [a note from Stephan] ) ;)
Oh, this is currently out of date, I will post the whole Nottingham-Stuff including a prolonged "well, lets drink a cappucino"-event later, but now I have to concentrate on Frankfurt.

After finishing my work in the afternoon of Saturday, 10th May, I boarded the train to Frankfurt and had a stay in Hannover for about half an hour and I got to know that my favourite shop for fruit things was closed a day later so I ordered an "all-whats-left-over"-juice and remembered all the days I survived university just because of these drinks. I hope they will open again :'-(

My trip to Frankfurt was quite uneventful so I wondered if the evening-programme would become more eventful and I was right. Anna met me at the train station and we went to her place to drop my bag and take the first portion of Applewine, the local drink. After she, Miri, Bernadette and another girl whose name I forgot (well, that's the revenge for calling Braunschweig a city in the ex-GDR :p) met we went to Sachsenhausen, the local party area with pubs, bars and clubs. Not quite expensive and with 27° outside and a long weekend it was totally crowded and every i-will-get-married-soon bachelor from Frankfurt and the whole area seemed to be there and celebrated their last time in the wild :D
Highlights were the really cool fact that Miri lost her wallet and got it back with all her money and documents in it, Armid, the guy who invited himself to our water pipe and the guy in underwear who was shouting at the firefighter "I don't know where the fu**ing water is coming from" while standing on a balcony with gallons of water running out of the house everywhere :D

Well, the next morning started quite early for staying up so long and although I drank quite a lot of different things the evening before my head was completely ok and so we could start our Frankfurt-by-foot-in-seven-hours tour which didn't change Anna's mind to wear flip-flops for this day ;)
Frankfurt, or Mainhattan how it's called, is Germanys only city with a real and quite complete skyline. It's the financial capital so every bigger finance company has its headquarter here and so it's one of the most expensive citys in Germany, only excelled by Munich so far.
With no clouds in the sky and a bright sun it was an enjoyable, though long, trip which included
  • the completely new university which was closed that day
  • the Paulskirche, the place where the first German constitution was discussed and ratified
  • the largest skyscraper in Frankfurt with a wonderful view at the skyline
  • a long walk along the river "Main". It was so crowded, it seemed that the whole city was there
More pictures are on picasa. After seven hours walking none of us wanted to watch the 4-hour-movie "Apocalypse Now! Redux" anymore so we decided to watch three episodes of "Sex and the city" for distraction and felt asleep. I think there were some parallels in the serial and the evining before, but only slightly ;)

On monday morning I had to leave for Frankfurt-Hahn to take my flight to Berlin so Anna and I had a quite oppulent breakfast and I boarded my bus to an old abandoned airbase near the border to Luxemburg, called Frankfurt-Hahn and one of the main destinations of Ryanair. I was in sorrows that my hand luggage wouldn't meet Ryanair's quite hard regulations, but there was no problem.
Other passengers were not so lucky and so they had to repack their hand luggage. It's quite an advancement when you can read ;)

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