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Aki, a few changes and a new mobile phone

There are 6 000 000 000 people in the world, about half of them female and even if only 1 per hundred is blogging there are still 30 000 000 left. In Nottingham I had the honour to meet one of them: Aki, a really nice girl from Malaysia with a real cool blog (

As I dont want to bore you with long journey stories and this kind of stuff I just give you some links to the pictures of a day that began as an invitation to coffee on the campus and ended roughly twelve hours later in a flat with nice people, good talks, a Wilhelm-Tell-Roleplay(see modern interpretation here), some sex-education (I like buzzwords in my text :D) and a lot of hot and spicy Pizza.
Special thanks go to Aki and Subha for the nice company and to Meera and Jan for the nice pictures they made (in fact most of the pictures were made by Jan and I had the seldom feeling of being photographed frequently instead of being behind the camera).
Ah well, I think I should begin with the nice "invitation" to England that I got from Aki:
Jan's blog entry about Admins (read the comments!)
and the (commented) pictures of that day on Facebook

I strongly recommend reading Aki's blog as it's funny sometimes, everytime mature and nice to read. But if you comment or contact her in other ways be sure to think first and then write because of her razor sharp mind that even amazed me (although I read her blog frequently but it's even sharper in RL;) ) and her quite allergic reaction to dumbass and childish behaviour ;)

As I was told not to make such a big story of this I have to announce you another (german) blog of Florian, a friend of mine and also studying Communication Technologies at the TU Braunschweig. Here it is.

Another announcement regards pictures: I think I will post only my artitstic pix that need higher resolution to picasa and the rest to Facebook because I link Facebook's social aspects as commenting and the Picasa webspace comes to an end. So please write me an Email or a comment if you have problems with the Facebook thing as slow speed or not being able to open it.

Well, and now I proudly present my blog's first contest:

A Name for my Mobile! (*blink**ring**blink*)

After some delay because of spending my money on visiting Sara I finally bought me a new shiny LG KS 20. Yeeeha, I finally got this PPC/Smartphone thing. Actually I would say that it's more a PPC with additional phone function than a really Smartphone and I still have to learn and search for cool add-ons but I'm already in love!

I think I will post some entries regarding this phone as I'm just playing around and finding out how to use its many functions and what is possible with this phone.

Well, as there is a trend to give your devices names to make them unique (I know an iPhone called Jack and Aki's SE K850 has a name too) and Aki told me that I'm a geek and geeks give names to their devices too I'm searching for a name. I found some details that might help you:
The phone is female, bitchy and jealous of my girlfriend because the first thing it did was deleting her number after a sync :D

Lusi already made a suggestion: Cleopatra because of the behaviour. In depedence of the inventors name I vary this name to: Cleo Luise
Other suggestions are appreciated (your opinion on this one too, of course) and the inventor of the one I'll choose will get a reward (I thought of a romantic boat tour in Nottingham as I tried with Flora and Jan, pictures here) If any circumstances (like me being not in Nottingham) makes this impossible I'll think of something else ;)

p.s. a *big hug* to the happiest girl in the whole world (Aki's self description after finishing her exams;)

1 Kommentar:

Aki hat gesagt…

Heya, nice post =) I'm just glad you didn't put any ridiculous looking pictures of me ;p

And the model of my phone is SE K850i and it is called 'Emerald'. Apart from the obvious reason that it has some green colour on it, Emerald is named after 'Emerald Weapon' in Final Fantasy VII, one of the weapons created by the Earth to protect itself. Ah, I'll stop now before I launch into FF7-geek mode.