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The reason for doing this stuff

Studivz, the German Facebook copy, includes a group that is called "I don't need sex because university fucks me every day". I'm not a member as i dislike swearing (normally) but it describes the last years of studying at the TU Braunschweig very well.
This semester is symptomatic for the things that are going on here. I passed the feared exam at Prof. Dr. "Evil" Meinerzhagen with a B-, I got an A at my oral examination in an important course, I even managed to pass the exam "Leitungstheorie" where I forgot some crucial papers to take with me and was sure to fail because of the absence of knowledge - and I failed at the very last one, the one I was prepared best and thought it was ok (don't worry, just have to do it again next semester).
If you look at the achieved grades and consider the fact that a new Professor held the lecture I don't think it's ok when out of 20 people one person has an A, the next one a C- and 8 of 20 persons failed the exam.

So, enough whining, now let's start this entry as I was planning it for quite a long time. I found something floating around my mind on youtube again.

It is a commercial by Vodafone from 2001 if I remember it correctly.

Back in these days I was 17, quite a stereotypical computer geek and indecisive what to do with my future. A friend and I we were selling computer stuff and made a good amount of money while others worked in dirty bars at night or at fastfood restaurant for about 4 Euro an hour while we made 25.
The whole thing lacked just one thing: my goal in life was (and currently is) not getting rich or something but leave steps behind and improve the world I live in. Two things you can't find when you repair "toys" of middle-class computer owners and sell expensive status symbols for people who use high-performance machines for Microsoft Word and internet stuff.
Don't get me wrong, it was a really great experience to run your own small business and earn your own money and sometimes we really had interesting and demanding jobs to do, but certainly not a job to do my whole life.

At this time Vodafone aired this commercial in Europe and I was really impressed. I loved the music theme and felt adressed by the message of this clip. It was one reason for my decision to study communication technologies as I felt that communication is one of the few technology things that have a visible positive effect on people, that communication, especially mobile communication would change the habits of people, that it would change the whole world.

Now it's 2008, about seven years later and I found this video on youtube at random while searching for music clips that might be interesting. And it's still moving. Well, a lot of things have happened in between.
I was in the army for 15 months, working for the first time and getting the sweet taste of a what an interesting and demanding job with the right colleages and a really supporting boss can unleash in yourself.
I found a loving girlfriend who makes me to do my best every day.
And I have the feeling that my decision to study this stuff was right, although it's sometime sooooo disappointing and kicking you in the stomach...

Behind every "I love you" whispered over the phone are one thousand engineers who invented, tested, certified and implented the voice-over-ip codec and the data transport.
It's amazing that I can explain a Malaysian girl in England how to use html tags and work together on a website.
Calling Sara in Sweden, just sitting outside in the sun with my mobile, no problem nowadays =)

I like the feeling of studying something that helps bringing people together. I hope the video clip gives you an impression of this =)

Thank you for listening.


Gerrit's Blog

An old friend of mine, in fact the oldest I have (old means, known the longest) is in Bergen/Norway for an internship and opened a blog for this.
It's and currently in German. Hm, if you are interested you may change this by demanding comments =)

Will update soon, but at the moment I have to study hard. So, please standby and for the time beeing take a look at the other linked blogs =)



the shutter just sounds sexy - or - photographer course part 1

Hej fellow blog-readers
I know I didn't post anything here for a long, long time, I'm sorry ;) No time and no drive to do anything here.
But this changes by now (hopefully). I thought about what to post on my blog for a long time. I love pictures and especially taking them, so it should be something with pictures. But then a blog is not the right platform, in fact the picture handling is a pain in the ass, compared with gallery software as Picasa or Facebook (links on the right currently).

On the other hand my gf Sara always complains that I take a lot of pictures but I don't get photographed (grammatically correct?, it sounds so German =D). The reason for this is that people who are used to "normal" digital cameras' no-settings-just-press-button technology are just overstrained by the many switches, sliders and settings of my EOS camera.
So the conclusion was: give a short course on a modern SLR camera and illustrate it with example picutres! Yeeeehhhhaaaaa! Here we are =)

Let's begin with some dry stuff: the technical stuff inside a digital camera. Don't worry, you'll just count to three and we'll be finished. So these are the main settings you can setup on a camera:
1) the aperture is crucial for the depth of sharpness and for the brightness of a picture.
The aperture is a small round "window" in your camera that can be changed in size. The smaller the size is the sharper your picture is (think of a pinhole camera if you ever heard of it at school) and less light will reach your image sensor (more of that later). On the other hand a large aperture size makes your picture unsharp depending of the distance to the photographed object. This is often a designated effect so you should play with this settings.
See the picture of the beer-bottle for example. The bottle itself is sharp, the background is not. This gives the picture more plasticity, but of course your family would be upset if the second row in the family picture is blurry. So take care =D

Ah well, this topic shows also the first hazard photographers have to take care of. Many terms regarding photography were made up in the past when taking picture was more technical understanding than anything else. If you take a look at your camera you might find values from around 4 to 20 for this aperture. You might expect that 4 makes the smallest opening while 20 gives you the widest? No, it's exactly the opposite. An aperture of 20 gives you the smallest opening and the sharpest pictures while 4 gives you the widest. If you are interested why this is calculated this way, ask Wikipedia =D

2) Did you ever wonder how people take these pictures with the red lights you can see below? Well, the other option you can change on your camera is the shutter speed. This means the time the camera exposes light to the image sensor. You might think: is this setting that important? Just let everything run on autopilot and it works.
No, stop that kind of thoughts. It's not only important when you want to take "special" pictures like this but it has an everyday-use.

On the one hand, setting this wrong results either in unbearable blurry pictures or in pictures that are too dark.
You can fancy the image sensor as a bunch of buckets that collect photons, small amounts of light. On the one hand you can change the amount of photons by opening the shutter more or less wide and on the other hand how long you will open the shutter (means how long you collect these photons).

How long you should open the shutter time depends on the picture you want to take: for example, the picture above has a quite long shutter time, so long a car could pass by. On the other hand you need a very fast shutter speed for pictures like the one with the water drop (from wikipedia) or when taking pictures of people doing sports.

You need a little experience to find the right shutter time for every situation, but you'll get a feeling for this stuff real soon. Normally try it at least with 1/30 of a second for pics without motion in it because your body always trembles a bit and it's really hard to get good pictures without a tripod when using longer shutter times.
Most of the cool night shots are made with a long shutter time and a tripod, so trying without one is really frustrating.

3) the ISO-setting: in "ancient" times cameras were used with films. That were small slices of polyester coated with a thin layer of photosensitive material. This material consists of small crystals that change into other ones when exposed to light.
Today these crystals are "replaced" by small semiconductor sensors on a plate inside your camera. These sensors have a certain sensitivity, this means how many photons one sensor has to collect to reach a certain level of brightness. This means on a low ISO level (100 is the lowest for most cameras) you need 1600 photons to create a brightness level of 100% on this sensor. If you use ISO level 200 you need 800 and for 1600 ISO you only need 100. This is by far the most theoretical value you have to set but in practice this is the most simple setting because normally you have to change it only once for a certain location. 100 is for bright sunshine, 200 and 400 for fair weather, 800 for bad weather or bright rooms and 1600 is mainly for indoor pictures or night shots.

So the normal way you should setup a camera when you want to take pix:
set it to the AV (arperture variant) or TV (time variant) mode. This means you select one value (either aperture or shutter time) and the other one is determined automatically depending on the brightness sensor in your camera. Then set the desired value to a "normal" one, like 1/60 for shutter time or 10 for aperture size and let the camera measure the brightness. If it gives you strange settings like aperture 10 and shutter time 1 second ^^ you should change the iso value.
The same must be done if you select a normal shutter time and the value for the aperture starts blinking, meaning there is no matching value for this shutter time and ISO level.

Wow, you really made it through the first part of this guide, next time there will be a lot more pictures and less text, so come back and enjoy part 2 of this =)



Today my mother called me and told me sad news. Hans Siedentop, a teacher of mine in High School died on Mai, 24th.
In fact I never had a lesson with him as teacher but he was the head of the computer pool so we knew each other quite well as I worked there regularly when I was in school and even in university when there was stuff like installing server systems and so on.
Why his dead makes me sad is that he was the first one who showed me that being a technic geek is not just a hobby but a profession.
I still remember the day when my friends and me installed new network cables and infrastructure there. Damn,I was proud of this, a teacher believed in me and let me plan and install a whole network infrastructure (ok, that's my job now but in those days I was something about 15).
Another thing I learned from working with him was to think not only about "what is possible to do with the software" but "what are the users needs?" Thank you for this lore as it's still one of my guidelines when it comes to plan technical things.
I don't know (yet) what caused his death with only 59 years but he was suffering from a bad illness so I think he lost the battle against it.

Goodbye and may you be in a better place now.

In remembrance of Hans Siedentop (1949 - 2008)

"wie es im Heft aussieht, so sieht es in Deinem Kopf aus"
"the way your notebook is written, the way your mind looks like"


Aki, a few changes and a new mobile phone

There are 6 000 000 000 people in the world, about half of them female and even if only 1 per hundred is blogging there are still 30 000 000 left. In Nottingham I had the honour to meet one of them: Aki, a really nice girl from Malaysia with a real cool blog (

As I dont want to bore you with long journey stories and this kind of stuff I just give you some links to the pictures of a day that began as an invitation to coffee on the campus and ended roughly twelve hours later in a flat with nice people, good talks, a Wilhelm-Tell-Roleplay(see modern interpretation here), some sex-education (I like buzzwords in my text :D) and a lot of hot and spicy Pizza.
Special thanks go to Aki and Subha for the nice company and to Meera and Jan for the nice pictures they made (in fact most of the pictures were made by Jan and I had the seldom feeling of being photographed frequently instead of being behind the camera).
Ah well, I think I should begin with the nice "invitation" to England that I got from Aki:
Jan's blog entry about Admins (read the comments!)
and the (commented) pictures of that day on Facebook

I strongly recommend reading Aki's blog as it's funny sometimes, everytime mature and nice to read. But if you comment or contact her in other ways be sure to think first and then write because of her razor sharp mind that even amazed me (although I read her blog frequently but it's even sharper in RL;) ) and her quite allergic reaction to dumbass and childish behaviour ;)

As I was told not to make such a big story of this I have to announce you another (german) blog of Florian, a friend of mine and also studying Communication Technologies at the TU Braunschweig. Here it is.

Another announcement regards pictures: I think I will post only my artitstic pix that need higher resolution to picasa and the rest to Facebook because I link Facebook's social aspects as commenting and the Picasa webspace comes to an end. So please write me an Email or a comment if you have problems with the Facebook thing as slow speed or not being able to open it.

Well, and now I proudly present my blog's first contest:

A Name for my Mobile! (*blink**ring**blink*)

After some delay because of spending my money on visiting Sara I finally bought me a new shiny LG KS 20. Yeeeha, I finally got this PPC/Smartphone thing. Actually I would say that it's more a PPC with additional phone function than a really Smartphone and I still have to learn and search for cool add-ons but I'm already in love!

I think I will post some entries regarding this phone as I'm just playing around and finding out how to use its many functions and what is possible with this phone.

Well, as there is a trend to give your devices names to make them unique (I know an iPhone called Jack and Aki's SE K850 has a name too) and Aki told me that I'm a geek and geeks give names to their devices too I'm searching for a name. I found some details that might help you:
The phone is female, bitchy and jealous of my girlfriend because the first thing it did was deleting her number after a sync :D

Lusi already made a suggestion: Cleopatra because of the behaviour. In depedence of the inventors name I vary this name to: Cleo Luise
Other suggestions are appreciated (your opinion on this one too, of course) and the inventor of the one I'll choose will get a reward (I thought of a romantic boat tour in Nottingham as I tried with Flora and Jan, pictures here) If any circumstances (like me being not in Nottingham) makes this impossible I'll think of something else ;)

p.s. a *big hug* to the happiest girl in the whole world (Aki's self description after finishing her exams;)


How much is 6 000 000?

After a very pleasent stay in Frankfurt I departed to Berlin from Frankfurt-Hahn on Monday, 12.05. after travelling there by bus for about 1 and a half hour. I think I will blog an own ontry on Ryanair as I travelled with them four times now and they are kind of special.

Berlin. Hm, Berlin. I can't count the times I've been to Berlin now as I work there quite frequently for Christian, a friend of mine. Actually I love this city. I love everything, the railway system, the specific sounds of the trams while accelerating, sometimes I love this feeling of being anonymous. I love the feeling that this city never sleeps. I just love this city.
On my arrival we started to work a little on nightshift as it is always a good feeling to have your work done.
The next time we did a boat trip on the Spree and took a look from the water. To be honest, it's not a "must-have" for Berlin but it's ok if you want to relax and watch the city.
In the evening we did one of our famous "let's visit something strange in Berlin" so we decided to visit "the Schlange" , a quite impressive building with a motorway just going through. Well, we arrived there at about 2 am in the morning after listening to a really weird radio station where people discuss their problems live on air. Extremly funny especially after some beer ;)

The next day was my "day off" that I always try to have when I am in Berlin. Christian had to work and attend university so I did my own program that day. As I saw all the tourist attractions already I always try to find something interesting I haven't seen before, this time the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe which I heard of (and parked beneath) but never visited.
Normally I don't like Museums that deal with historical things. They always present you facts and timelines, but if you read the signs "King that build this" ask yourself - did this King ever move a stone? If you read "The army was defeated and 30 000 men died. King ... was killed in the battlefield." And what's with the other ones? Are there no wifes missing their husbands and children losing their fathers?
So I did not have high expectations when I went to the exhibition under this memorial, especially because the time of the Nazis is discussed in German schools very intensive and repeatedly so I know the facts over the holocaust. My personal opinion is they tell you a lot of numbers. But can you imagine what it's like when there were 6 000 000 people killed? Of course you always know that the Nazis were bad and you must not kill people, but were you ever struck by a number?
To be honest, this exhibition impressed my deeply. They showed different families, their backgrounds and their fates and you could compare this to your own home. That were no people living on their own somewhere but people like you and me doing things like you and me, with the same fears, the same aims.
In contrast to this point on my agenda this day the next point led me to the Müggelsee, a lake outside of Berlin (but still belonging to it) where the BVG, the Berlin transport company, has some ferries, one even as a rowboat. Well, although the Berlin S-Bahn goes there, it's quite rural and more like a small village than a part of the city. The ferry tour was quite ok, i met a guy who worked as da database admin at Universal Media in Berlin, we were the only passenger abroad.
The end of this part was quite dramatic as my flight's departure was at 21 55 and I was still lost in the woods at about 19 o'clock :D Luckily Christan drove me to the airport (thank you soooo much) and I arrived there in time.

p.s. if you ever come to Berlin and want to eat good Indian/Singapore food and drink real good a cocktails at a good price I can recommended the Mirchi. It's really worth a visit :)


Anna, Sex and the City

It's been a long time since my last blog entry. And to attract more attention it might be a good idea to post the most googled entry in the title. Especially when you're with four girls that like Sex and the City so you have a reason for this title;)
But I should start the story at the beginning. I had to write exams until the end of march and due to confusion about my schedule I booked a flight to Sweden when university had startet for one week already. But if you can decide between studying and visit your girlfriend, well, that's not a hard decision to make ;) Pictures of this very, very enjoyable trip you may find at my Picasa-Gallerys, the links are on the right side.

Sara came to Germany only ten days later and stayed for a prolonged weekend in Peine. No photos this time because I had to do a lot of things. And no blog entry about these two trips, sorry ;)

So, this is a blog entry about another journey. Our university has a excursion week were we can either take an excursion or just have seven days off. After two excursions in a row last year and one year before I was exausted so I planned my excursion on my own ;)
It would bring me to Frankfurt, Berlin and Nottingham and to Anna, Christian and finally Jan who had asked me if I wanted to visit him in England. Because this was my first chance to come to England I took the chance and made this trip:
  • Saturday via train from Peine to Frankfurt
  • Monday from Frankfurt-Hahn to Berlin with Ryanair
  • Wednesday from Berlin to Nottingham
  • and well, I hope, on Sunday back to Berlin. But that's still in the future while I write this entry (it depends strongly on Jan's kindness to let me print my ticket [a note from Jan]) Well, I will just ask Aki [a note from Stephan] ) ;)
Oh, this is currently out of date, I will post the whole Nottingham-Stuff including a prolonged "well, lets drink a cappucino"-event later, but now I have to concentrate on Frankfurt.

After finishing my work in the afternoon of Saturday, 10th May, I boarded the train to Frankfurt and had a stay in Hannover for about half an hour and I got to know that my favourite shop for fruit things was closed a day later so I ordered an "all-whats-left-over"-juice and remembered all the days I survived university just because of these drinks. I hope they will open again :'-(

My trip to Frankfurt was quite uneventful so I wondered if the evening-programme would become more eventful and I was right. Anna met me at the train station and we went to her place to drop my bag and take the first portion of Applewine, the local drink. After she, Miri, Bernadette and another girl whose name I forgot (well, that's the revenge for calling Braunschweig a city in the ex-GDR :p) met we went to Sachsenhausen, the local party area with pubs, bars and clubs. Not quite expensive and with 27° outside and a long weekend it was totally crowded and every i-will-get-married-soon bachelor from Frankfurt and the whole area seemed to be there and celebrated their last time in the wild :D
Highlights were the really cool fact that Miri lost her wallet and got it back with all her money and documents in it, Armid, the guy who invited himself to our water pipe and the guy in underwear who was shouting at the firefighter "I don't know where the fu**ing water is coming from" while standing on a balcony with gallons of water running out of the house everywhere :D

Well, the next morning started quite early for staying up so long and although I drank quite a lot of different things the evening before my head was completely ok and so we could start our Frankfurt-by-foot-in-seven-hours tour which didn't change Anna's mind to wear flip-flops for this day ;)
Frankfurt, or Mainhattan how it's called, is Germanys only city with a real and quite complete skyline. It's the financial capital so every bigger finance company has its headquarter here and so it's one of the most expensive citys in Germany, only excelled by Munich so far.
With no clouds in the sky and a bright sun it was an enjoyable, though long, trip which included
  • the completely new university which was closed that day
  • the Paulskirche, the place where the first German constitution was discussed and ratified
  • the largest skyscraper in Frankfurt with a wonderful view at the skyline
  • a long walk along the river "Main". It was so crowded, it seemed that the whole city was there
More pictures are on picasa. After seven hours walking none of us wanted to watch the 4-hour-movie "Apocalypse Now! Redux" anymore so we decided to watch three episodes of "Sex and the city" for distraction and felt asleep. I think there were some parallels in the serial and the evining before, but only slightly ;)

On monday morning I had to leave for Frankfurt-Hahn to take my flight to Berlin so Anna and I had a quite oppulent breakfast and I boarded my bus to an old abandoned airbase near the border to Luxemburg, called Frankfurt-Hahn and one of the main destinations of Ryanair. I was in sorrows that my hand luggage wouldn't meet Ryanair's quite hard regulations, but there was no problem.
Other passengers were not so lucky and so they had to repack their hand luggage. It's quite an advancement when you can read ;)


16,90 Euro

Das letzte mal, das ich ein Buch in einer Nacht "verschlungen" habe war vor acht, vielleicht neun Jahren ein Roman von Stephen King. Ein Meister seines Fachs, ein Meister darin Menschen wie mich damals wachzuhalten und ihnen kalte Schauer über den Rücken zu jagen, während man im weichen, warmen Bett liegt.
Heute war es wieder soweit. Die Uhrzeit ist 02:21, selbst für mich als Student in der Vorlesungsfreien Zeit, also am Lernen, schon verdammt spät. Vor etwa 18 Stunden, oder 319 Seiten früher hatte mich heute morgen der Paketzusteller von DHL aus dem Bett geklingelt mit dem Buch von amazon, das ich am Freitag bestellt hatte. An diesem Tag hatte ich, wie fast immer, auf meine Kommilitonen in der Mensa gewartet und etwas gelangweilt die neue Unicum-Zeitschrift aufgeschlagen. Beim Durchblättern fiel mir ein Bild besonders auf, eine Asiatin und daneben ein junger Mann, der sich die Augenfabe bei mir geborgt zu haben schien, während seine Frisur wiederum ein Langzeitziel für mich darstellen könnte ;)
Beim Lesen des Artikels (auf hatte ich ein leichtes De-ja-vue-Erlebnis, wahrscheinlich war mir die Geschichte der beiden schon irgendwo einmal begegnet, auf dem Fußweg zum Institut las ich mir den Artikel erst etwas gelangweilt, dann noch einmal erheblich interessierter durch.
Benjamin Prüfer, ein 23jähriger Journalist aus Hamburg will seinem grauen Alltag entfliehen und bucht leicht betrunken Tickets für eine Backpacker-Tour durch Südostasien. In Phnom Phen lernt er Sreykeo in einer Diskothek kennen und beide verlieben sich ineinander. Sie stellen fest, das Sreykeo sich mit dem HI-Virus infiziert hat und so beginnt eine ziemlich bewegte Geschichte um Geld, kambodschanische Sitten und Gebräuche, das Verhältnis West und Ost und auch, oder hauptsächlich, von Liebe.

Der Klappentext, den der Fischer-Verlag auf das Buch gedruckt hat und auch der Titel "Wohin Du auch gehst" deuten eigentlich auf einen schauderlich-schlechten Betroffenheitsroman hin. Aids, Prostitution und ein vom Krieg zerstörtes Land bieten eigentlich beste Voraussetzungen dafür und trotzdem ist es etwas ganz anderes geworden:
aus der Ich/Wir-Perspektive schreibt Benjamin Prüfer ungeschönt und unzensiert alles auf, Streitereien, seine Gefühle, ihre Gefühle, selbst die in tollkühnem Englisch verfassten SMS sind teilweise abedruckt. Und trotzdem gibt es in dem ganzen Buch eigentlich keine Stelle an der ich das Gefühl hatte, die Stelle hätte da jetzt nicht hineingehört. Der Buchneuling (Benjamin Prüfer war vorher bei der Financial Times als jüngster seitenverantwortlicher Redakteur beschäftigt) schafft es, ohne den Sex-Sells-Faktor und in einer Form, die es den beiden immernoch problemlos ermöglicht in Hamburg zu leben und zu arbeiten, die Ups- und Downs in der Beziehung gekonnt aufzuschreiben. Vom ersten Kennenlernen, der Erkenntnis vom Sreykeo ihr Geld verdient, über die Erkenntnis der AIDS-Erkrankung, über zwei "It's over" und die immer schlimmer werdende finanzielle Situation in Deutschland und eine Hochzeit kämpfen sich die beiden in Richtung Happy End (hehe, sonst hätte es wohl auch kein Buch gegeben, also habe ich nicht zuviel verraten :D)

Warum ich dieses Buch toll finde? Einfach gestrickte Personen würden jetzt mal wieder sagen, der hat ne Freundin mit indonesischen Verwandten, da hat man ja wohl ein Faible für diese Region und blablabla. Vielleicht hat das auch eine Rolle gespielt dass ich auf der Unicum-Seite hängengeblieben bin. Aber meine Entscheidung 16,90 Euro für ein Buch auszugeben wurden eigentlich von dieser Seite beeinflusst, nämlich der Original-Artikel in der Zeitschrift NEON aus dem Jahre 2006. Und danach war klar: dieses Buch musste ich haben!
Ich wurde absolut nicht enttäuscht, meine Erwartungen ein spannendes Buch zu lesen wurden sogar noch übertroffen. Die Rahmenhandlung gibt einen interessanten Einblick in das Leben in Kambodscha und auf Rucksack-Tourismus und auf die kulturellen Unterschiede. Aber eigentlich ist es die Geschichte von zwei jungen Menschen, die sich wirklich und aufrichtig lieben.
Als ich das Buch gelesen habe, musste ich an ganz vielen Stellen natürlich auch an Sara und mich denken. Braunschweig ist nicht Hamburg und Hannover nicht Phnom Phen, aber egal wo ist der erste Besuch bei den Eltern der Freundin immer ein spannender Moment. Wie reagieren die Freunde auf die "neue" und wie verstehen sich die Familienmitglieder?
Es ist auch ermutigend zu erfahren, das auch andere Menschen Fehler machen und man trotz so vieler Unsicherheiten, Fallen und Missverständnisse darauf vertrauen kann, dass die Liebe doch die stärkste Kraft ist. Zum Glück auch oftmals stärker als der rationale Verstand.


und es war einmal ... CeBit 2008

Eigentlich hatte ich schon letztes Jahr und auch das Jahr davor und das Jahr ..., also regelmäßig gedacht, dass war jetzt das letzte Jahr auf der CeBit. Auch 2008 wollte ich eigentlich nicht hingehen, allerdings fragte Thu Nga, eine Freundin von mir, ob wir da nicht zusammen hinwollten und gegen einen freien Tag um mich mal selbst für die guten Klausuren der letzten Wochen zu belohnen, hatte ich nichts einzuwenden, also verabredeten wir uns für Samstag zur CeBit zu gehen.
Eigentlich hatte die CeBit für mich auch schon eine Woche früher begonnen, nämlich als eine Mitarbeiterin des O2-Shops in Hannover anrief um mich zu einem Kaffee einzuladen und mir ein CeBit-Angebot zu unterbreiten, denn leider leider wäre O2 dieses Jahr nicht mehr auf der CeBit vertreten. Das zeigte schon wo der Weg hingehen würde ...
Die Fahrt
Nach einer ziemlich kurzen Nacht stieg ich noch etwas benebelt in die Straßenbahn der Linie 2, nur um kurze Zeit später zwei andere, auch noch etwas übermüdete zu treffen, nämlich Nicole und Andreas. Am Bahnhof trafen wir noch auf Lusi und ihre Familie, ebenfalls auf dem Weg zur CeBit und nach Hannover waren. Und ab ging es in den Zug nach Hannover, der in Braunschweig schon sehr voll war. Möglicherweise auch durch das gute Wetter wurde der Zug in Peine dann endgültig zur Sardinenbüchse, so dass in Hämelerwald kaum noch jemand und in Lehrte niemand mehr in den Zug passte. Und zum ersten, aber nicht einzigen Mal hörte ich den Satz: "Bitte treten Sie aus dem Türbereich zurück". Mit knapp 10 Minuten Verspätung kam ich dann in Hannover an und was die Bahn an Planung vermissen liess, hatte die Üstra mitbekommen, verdichteter Takt auf der Linie 8 und 18, Vier-Wagen-Züge, zusätzliches Personal auf den Bahnhöfen um die Leute einzuweisen und einen Knopf mit "Bitte treten sie von den Trittstufen zurück und stehen Sie nicht im Bereich der Lichtschranken" der an jedem Bahnhof auch mehrfach genutzt wurde :D

Unfreundliches ...
Nachdem ich Thu Nga, die mit Ihrem Vater zur Messe gefahren war (im Nachhinein eine sehr gute Entscheidung) erledigten wir erstmal den "Auftrag", nämlich kurz bei Arcor einen Mitarbeiter treffen und ihm Grüße ausrichten. Ich hätte ja gerne irgendetwas positives über Arcor an diesem Tag gesagt, aber es gab nichts. Die Mitarbeiter waren unfreundlich und ganz besonders die "Empfangsdame" für den Business-Bereich liess einen sehr deutlich spüren das Business für sie erst mit Anzug und Krawatte begann. Da ich mir den Messetag nicht versauen lassen wollte, holte ich kurz die "Überraschung" ab (und hatte damit den Auftrag erfüllt), zeigte Arcor den geistigen Stinkefinger und beschloss, heute den Tag als Privatbesucher zu verbringen.

und viel erfreulicheres
Nach ersten Eindrücken bezüglich digitaler Fotografie und netten Fotos war es an der Zeit für eine Mittagspause und das gute Wetter lud wirklich zu einer langen Runde Sonne geniessen ein. Eine wirklich schöne Ecke auf dem Messegelände hinter Halle 21. Nun habe ich allerdings auch einen Sonnenbrand :-/
Der weitere Tag verlief eher relaxed, wir guckten uns alles an, unter anderem eine ferngesteuerte Libelle die fast jeder in der Halle einmal am Kopf hatte, eine wahrscheinlich vom Zoll dichtgemachte Austellung von Playboy-Handysocken und auch sehr nett, eine detailierte Führung der Firma IBM durch ihr Serverangebot. Respekt dem Mitarbeiter der nach fast einer Woche Messe am Samstag um 16 Uhr 30 noch eine wirklich nette Präsentation ablieferte, ich denke ich werde beim nächsten Serverkauf daran zurückdenken.

Die Rückfahrt gestaltete sich fast langweilig, ich war noch kurz bei O2 um meinen Vertrag zu verlängern, das mit dem Kaffee hat auch wirklich geklappt, nur ein neues Mobiltelefon habe ich nicht gekauft - es gab einfach nichts passendes. Es wird jetzt aber wohl ein LG ks20.

ein paar Eindrücke von der CeBit 2008
der eigentlich wichtigste Eindruck erschliesst sich eigentlich erst dann, wenn man das gesamte Jahr 2007 betrachtet und ein wenig die Hintergründe kennt: Es gab dieses Jahr eigentlich keine wirklich neue Technologie. Draft-N gibt es schon lange zu kaufen, der AMD-Phenom scheint von Pleiten, Pech und Pannen verfolgt und nach NVidias superneuen, superschnellen und superunbezahlbaren Grafikkarte sabbern auch nur die Spiele-Freaks, für die wohl auch die Shows mit wenig Produkten aber viel nackter (weiblicher) Haut gedacht sind.
Demgegenüber hat 2007 für eine starke Konsolidierung im Multimedia-Bereich geführt. Das Ziel, digitales Radio anzubieten und das analoge Radio bis 2010 abzuschalten hat sich als unerreichbar, auch auf längere Sicht, erwiesen und Fernsehen fürs Handy a la DVB-H oder DMB ist zwar ein interesantes Protokoll mit tollen Features, aber ohne das Zugpferd WM 2006 und ohne ordentliche Endgeräte und günstige Preise auch auf dem Weg in die Versenkung.
Im Bereich digitale Datenträger hat sich das Blatt jetzt endgültig zugunsten der Blueray-Disc gewendet und das letzte Jahr wurde weniger mit technischen Neuerungen als viel mehr mit der Qualität des Videomaterials arbeiten müssen. Auch sonst brachte das CeBit Jahr 2007/2008 kaum wichtige Neuerungen, die großes Revolutions-Potential haben. VoIP war dieses Jahr ein großes Thema, ob man damit jedoch großflächige Strukturen aufbrechen kann ist fraglich. Wer einmal viel Geld in eine Telefonanlage investiert hat, wird nur sehr ungerne alles wieder umwerfen. Wobei ich persönlich diese Technik wirklich faszinierend finde.

Grundsätzlich hat die Messe AG mit der CeBit ein Problem - wo soll der Kurs hingehen? Jedes Jahr springen mehr und mehr der ganz Großen ab, dieses Jahr zum Beispiel O2, die einfach die hohen Kosten eines Messeauftritts nicht mehr aufbringen wollen. Hohe Standgegbühren und noch viel höhere Unterkunftskosten in Hannover zeugen von einer Entwicklung, die irgendwie in Richtung Selbstzerstörung läuft. Man möchte den Mittelstand verstärkt auf die CeBit bringen und fördert diese Entwicklung - nur ist die CeBit mehr als eine einfache Messe bei der Verträge geschlossen und Produkte verkauft werden - es ist DIE Leitmesse für Computertechnologie schlechthin, es ist eine Mischung aus ernstem Geschäft, Disney-Land, Party und einem großen Freizeitpark.
Gerade große Firmen können eine Messe nicht an der Zahl abgeschlossener Verträge bewerten denn bei Microsoft, Arcor, Dell, Apple und T-Mobile kaufen die Leute auch, wenn sie nicht auf der CeBit ausstellen. Denen bringt die CeBit keine neuen Kunden, diesen Firmen bietet die CeBit aber die Möglichkeit sich nach aussen zu repräsentieren ihren Endkunden gegenüber, die aber von der Messe AG als Nicht-Fachbesucher durch hohe Preise und Schülertage mehr oder weniger aktiv abgedrängt werden...
Trotzdem bleibt zu sagen, das es ein wirklich schöner Tag war und ich hoffe die Fotos dazu gefallen Euch :)

p.s. mehr Fotos gibt's demnächst bei meinen Picasa-Bildern!